When your professor ask you to make a project using Turbo c, let say a game, what is the first thing that come up to your mind?
Usually its either a guessing game where you will choose what number or letter will appear, or a board game like XOX.
Why not try something else..?
I have a project, a game using Turbo C when i was in my 2nd year in college. During that time the game O2 Jam was very popular, so i thought of a game like O2 Jam.
Introducing O2 James

Here you can choose of a level, the higher the level, the faster the letter will drop.

And this is the loading screen.

And here is the game, the letters will drop and you should hit from the keyboard the correct letter, you will see how many letters you hit correctly and how many miss.

Take note, the drawing of the stick figure there is not moving, hehehe. But every letter you hit corresponds to a sound. I'm just in my 2nd year here so the letters are not yet in random but I hope you like it.
You can download the EXE file here
O2 JamesI assure you, there are no viruses. Click and run, sorry but the source code is only for me :P..